Convergence, consistency and stability (GC1)
Boundary conditions (GC2)
Adaptivity & variable resolution (GC3)
Coupling to other methods (GC4)
Applicability to industry (GC5)
Alternative particle based approaches
Discrete mechanics methods
Vortex based methods & particles
Hybrid mesh-to-meshless schemes
Hydraulic applications
Maritime and naval architecture applications
Automotive and aerospace applications
Geotechnical & disaster applications
Simulate an industrial application with the Dive CFD software
Process & manufacturing engineering applications
Solids and fracture mechanics
Biomechanics & human behavior
Astrophysical applications
Free-surface and moving boundaries
Multiple continua and multi-phase flows
Modelling of viscosity and turbulence
Solids and structures
Incompressible flows
Compressible flows
Complex physics
High-performance computing
Hardware acceleration
Pre- and post-processing techniques
Visualization techniques
Authors may choose one of the following two categories for their abstract submission:
and are encouraged to use the templates provided. For abstracts that may not align well with one of the two categories, authors may choose the one closer to their work.
The abstracts should be 1 page long and must include one illustrative figure outlining the quality of the results. A comparison with reference solutions or SPHERIC benchmark cases is highly encouraged.
A PDF version of the abstract should be submitted by 19 January 2024 via email. Authors are requested to indicate in their email:
whether the abstract refers to
(a) fundamental SPH research or
(b) SPH practical/industrial applications
assign their contribution to at least three workshop topics
The email should have "SPHERIC 2024 Abstract - Last_Name_of_Corresponding_Author" as the subject.
The abstracts will be assessed by at least three SPH experts from the scientific committee using a blind peer-review process. The quality of the abstracts will be assessed using averaged ratings for three equally important criteria that can be found in the guide for authors and reviewers, briefly highlighted below:
for a fundamental SPH research abstract the criteria are
(1) novelty,
(2) applicability/expected impact, and
(3) improvements/quality of results
for an industrial application abstract the criteria are
(1) novelty,
(2) usability, and
(3) competitiveness
Notification of acceptance for publication will be given on or before the 12 February 2024 19 February 2024 via email.
After notification of accepted abstracts, authors must prepare and submit their full manuscript according to the SPHERIC templates, the paper must not exceed 8 pages in total. Templates are available for MS Word or LaTeX. It is important NOT to put any page numbers in the final paper. It is also recommended not to explain standard or well-known SPH equations in the paper, as readers are assumed to be familiar with the basic SPH formulation.
Papers should be submitted by the 26 April 2024 in PDF format via email. The email should have SPHERIC 2023 Article - "Last_Name_of_Corresponding_author" as the subject. Students can compete for the Libersky Prize by indicating their intention in the submission email.
At least one workshop registration must be made for each paper and the registration should be finalized no later than 3 May 2024. This author will be the presenter at the workshop. There is a maximum of one presentation for each delegate during the workshop.
Papers with no registered authors by 3 May 2024 will be marked invalid and will NOT be published in the workshop proceedings or have a presentation slot.
The 18th SPHERIC International Workshop is a plenary conference (single stream) that is divided into 13 sessions with 51 presentations. Each session covers workshop topics and consists of 3-4 delegate oral presentations:
Keynotes are 45 minutes long followed by 15 minutes of question time
The delegate oral presentations are 12 minutes long
Presentations run back-to-back with a common discussion panel at the end of each session
The discussion panel is 15/12 minutes long (4/3 presentations per session)
A PC will be available to all presenters running Windows 10 with PowerPoint and Adobe Acrobat reader, and an on-screen electronic pointer
It will be possible to connect your laptop to the projector through an HDMI cable. A USB-C to HDMI adapter will be provided but it is recommended you bring your own adapter
Please check your presentation and display in advance during the breaks
The recommended aspect ratio is 16:9 (4:3 ratio also supported)
Germany uses Type C and Type F power sockets
The Libersky Prize is awarded at every SPHERIC Workshop for the best student paper & presentation. It is judged by the scientific committee. Student authors who would like to sign up for the competition should make this known in their email during the paper submission process. To be eligible, the student must be the main author of the paper, present the work, and attend the final ceremony.
The award is named in honor of Prof. Larry Libersky, one of the pioneers of SPH in engineering.